Million Dollar Quotes

Here are just a few things our clients have had to say about their experience with the IMPAC® productivity system.

Heidelberg Cement AG.

We are impressed with the new Operational Excellence Management systems and tools that were developed and installed during the project. Both companies are being completely restructured, final new organizational structures are much more leaner than before.

The installed tools and structures now allow to achieve the same or more results with less resources.

Thomas FuhrbergChief Operating Officer Building MaterialsHeidelberg Cement AG.

VARTA Batteri AB

The need to increase our productivity and to reach shorter and safer delivery time led to a corporation with IMPAC.

The project has now been completed and the results have loved up to our expectations. New routines have been established, the connected training has given a clear change in attitudes.

Olof EkelundManaging DirectorVARTA Batteri AB

Kedaung Industrial Ltd, Pt.

Today, our company is one of the largest manufacturers of glassware in the world.

During the 40 weeks project, the IMPAC team along with out management team had achieved the following results:

  1.      The average weekly saving for last month was 244% ROI which when annualized.
  2.       The efficiency (yield) which is used by us to measure the process productivity has been improved 31.5%
  3.       IMPAC assisted us installed a sophisticated data report system which covered all aspects of factory’s operation to summarize and report the KPIs of operation by each level.

IMPAC helped us to set up the preventive maintenance program to reduce the machine downtime caused by the breakdown, this helps for the efficiency improvement; SMED program helps us to reduce the changeover time.

Among all of these changes, I think the most important is that there was a great change, the sense of urgency when our management levels handle problems, and this change had improved the communication and cooperation among departments and management levels.

Suseng LimDirectorKedaung Industrial Ltd, Pt.

Karn Corn Co., Ltd.

With the support and guidance by IMPAC, we were established our company goals and expectations, and rolled it down to all management levels. The improved management system helped supervisors to control operations at the point of execution. Furthermore, the installed controls made our people more aware of the cost implications of lost time, rejects and scrap, thus making them proactive in addressing such problems.

The financial benefits generated during the program were impressive. We got back a return on investment 325%.

Siriwan TangcharoenchaichanaManaging DirectorKarn Corn Co., Ltd.

Transportes PITIC

Together with the IMPAC team we successfully developed and installed management systems in our Sales and Maintenance Areas and we are finalizing the systems in the systems in the Logistics and Warehouse Areas. Key indicators have been defined that allow us to make better decisions about our business. Since we have multiple locations spread throughout Mexico, the consistency that was established as part of the system important to us.

The Access training was a major support for the systems that were designed and installed in each of the areas.

In addition to the efforts mentioned above, IMPAC has greatly contributed in defining a more efficient organization chart for my company.

Jorge Cons FigueriDirector GeneralTransportes PITIC

Arch of Wyoming

The project has improved operating time on our major equipment and does so with less personnel. This allowed us to reassign personnel into other areas. They are doing work that was previously contracted out and doing it cheaper. One major goal was to focus supervisors and hourly personnel on effective planning and use of resources. During the project our organization went through several major unforeseen events and the planning skills learned helped immensely.

Tim BrownPresident, Arch of Wyoming, Inc.Arch of Wyoming

British Rail

Working closely with all levels of management within the ISU, planning and control systems have been developed and implemented. A 4:1 Return on Investment, double your initial proposal has also been achieved. The training sessions conducted by yourselves have had a dramatic effect on the way Supervisors and Managers behave.

I have no doubt that the work carried out here will place us on a very firm footing for the forthcoming privatization of our industry.

Peter ForbesGroup Director SouthBritish Rail

South Pacific

ViscoseIMPAC ACCESS utilized various diagnostic techniques and information from the initial Analysis of our company to tailor a series of workshops specifically designed to address our weaknesses and to develop our personnel.

The workshops were conducted for all levels of management. This laid the foundation for a common management approach throughout the organization.

With a multi-cultural management team of Indonesians, Indians, Austrians, and others learning together in the ACCESS Workshops, a strong sense of teamwork is developed based on mutual respect and a common purpose of collective success. We have a vision of our future and are confident of our ability realize that vision.

Mr. Craig BarkerPresident DirectorSouth Pacific Viscose

Versowood Oy

Versowood started the creation and implementation of a new management system, together with IMPAC in the fall of 2004, with a goal of increasing productivity and improving the quality of products as well as the operations along the entire cycle. The activities, profitability and quality of the group are being monitored through a reliable weekly reporting system created during the project. Through the management system the operations in the different production unit has become more standardized, giving the organization the opportunity to operate uniformity.

A clear management system also provides the company with the tools for further development, either through expansion by corporate takeovers or through other organizational growth-tools.

The financial gains brought the project were, thought measurements, an ROI over 290% as was projected in the beginning. We have been pleased with the project, IMPAC’s commitment to us as well as their through and practical was of operations.

Pekka KopraVice-PresidentVersowood Oy

Tollpost Globe

We launched two programs called “NY TID” 1& 2. Both programs focused on productivity improvements and tangible results in the area of Terminal operation, Local distribution, B2B and reduction of fixed costs in administration. The IMPAC Program supported especially Terminal Operation and Local distribution and helped to reduce frictions caused by the tough actions required.

In addition key meetings on Executive level and the Operational side as well as on the Sales side had been monitored and coached. This feedback opened communication channels within the organization and allowed us to further progress.

What we find today is now a group of Depot Managers who appear to be much more self- assured and consistent in their actions compare to half a year ago. Also Teambuilding has arrived on the agenda and is now seen as a skill to nurture.

Our productivity improvement at the Terminal operation reached 12% despite the fact we changed the base level, because we integrated all personnel working for the Terminal operation into the indicator colli/manhour. Local distribution gained 7% of increase on stop/car. Both developments gave us improvements in the height of 2 digit million NOK.

I can recommend IMPAC to all companies who are interested tin tangible results and genuine productivity improvements.

Robin OlsenManaging DirectorTollpost Globe