Ian A. MaclureManaging Director, Ericsson Mobile Communications (UK) LimitedERICSON
We had previous experience of consultants who worked at management level but were ineffective in improving performance at shop floor level. The approach proposed by IMPAC promised to address this issue.
The initial analysis was handled very professionally and convinced the skeptics in EML that we should give IMPAC a chance to prove their worth.
The benefits started coming early with headcount savings in several processes. Maintenance scheduling was another area where significant improvements were introduced early in the programme, but the most important contribution has been in the training of the supervisors level.
The change in attitude following training and removal of non-value-adding activities has made a significant contribution to the plant’s productivity.
Reijo LanttoManaging Director Salcomp Oy ; Nokia Consumer EelectronicsNOKIA
The good cooperation of IMPAC people and our own line organization has resulted in an efficient control system. The system reports most of the resource and cost variances and allows corrections in real time.
The behavior change amongst the management and line supervisors has started successfully specially in the areas of cost awareness and resource utilization.
The promised R.O.I. has been achieved.
Hiroshi TeradaManaging Director Sharp Roxy Electronics Corporation (M) Sdn. Bhd.SHARP
New management systems for production and maintenance were developed, and tactical and technical workshops were conducted with our personnel. IMPAC identified unnecessary down time in machines, and optimum production line configurations and timing were quickly established by working very closely with our personnel.
Positive behavioral change was apparent in numerous supervisors at an early stage; but this change was of greater prominence and significance towards the middle and end of project.
Improvements in efficiency started in the first few weeks of the project, and savings started to flow in at the same time. Upon reaching two-third of the project, savings were already well above the cost of the entire project.
Mr. Keiichi HiroseManaging Director Sankyo Seiki (M) Sdn. Bhd.Sankyo
IMPAC’s approach is simple yet effective. Today, problems are identified much earlier and prompt actions are taken subsequently. During the project, our managers and supervisors have received valuable management training both theoretical and practical, this together with a simple yet effective management system has also given us a very significant and positive result money-wise.
Mark DannerVice President, Business Development GroupAnheuser-Busch. Inc.
Anheuser-Busch. Inc.
Your staff was issued a tremendous challenge and has done a fantastic job managing two clients, Anheuser-Busch and our Wholesaler.
Our Chicago wholesales is experiencing positive volume, and more importantly, is outperforming his surrounding wholesalers. Similar results are also evident in Riverside, California, thanks in part to your implementation of what we refer to as the “sixth phase,” or the training segment of our IMPAC implementation.
Your people are an asset to Anheuser-Busch’s Sales Development Consulting Group and those wholesalers where they work.
Steven Chang, D.B.AChairman and CEOU-tech Media Corporation
U-tech Media Corporation
The yield rate of our production reached 86% in the first few weeks after project started and made a new highest point in the record. We were surprised that correct attitude of supervisor level, managers and augmented control of every production machine can substantially improve the yield rate. This is a new confine that science cannot reach.
C. M. LuVice PresidentHi-Sincerity Microelectronics Corp.
Hi-Sincerity Microelectronics Corp.
I am very pleased to confirm that the project delivered the productivity improvement without compromising service quality.
We found your approach very effective. The control systems were designed and installed along with the area management, to ensure ownership. The management workshops and one on one coaching further reinforced the benefits of the systems, leading to lasting behavior change.
Tim BrownPresident, Arch of Wyoming, Inc.Arch of Wyoming
Arch of Wyoming
The project has improved operating time on our major equipment and does so with less personnel. This allowed us to reassign personnel into other areas. They are doing work that was previously contracted out and doing it cheaper. One major goal was to focus supervisors and hourly personnel on effective planning and use of resources. During the project our organization went through several major unforeseen events and the planning skills learned helped immensely.
Ing. Dusan NepejchalGeneralni ReditelChemopetrol
For the evaluation of this project Chemopetrol-Impac I do not need high flying phrases. Let the numbers speak themselves: 350 million CzK increase in profit. Problems with cashflow are history and accounts receiveable decrease reached 3500 million CzK. Part of it is because of market refreshment in petrochemical products, but largly it is a result of the new management systems and change of peoples approach. And especially here IMPAC has played a fundamental role.
Your team was definitely distinguished from the other consultancy companies by depth of solution of problems, ability to work with real figures, problems and people. The persistency of your specialists resulted in a change of behavior of our people from “this is imposible” towards “how can we do it”.
Ing. Eduardo Diza SanchezAdministrative and Physical Plant DirectionITESM
The project was focused on three installation areas within the Campus: Purchase, Energy and the Maintenance sections of the General Service area. During the project systems have been installed which allow us to have a better control on the operations. This control, together with specific savings program has come along with a process efficiency in the various aspects of warehousing, purchasing, energy consumption, cleaning and gardening.
I want to point out that the results have been obtained in direct collaboration with our personnel of the supervisory and management level, without affecting our operations and with a minimum additional investment.